Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shimmy Shimmy Shingles.....

So the other day J thought he had a pimple on his chest and popped it. After his nap he was laying in bed without a shirt and I was like what is that? He said "a pimple" , "um no its not. I dont know what it is but its not that." I took a picture and emailed it to his Mom who works for UT Dermatology yesterday. She showed it to her docotor who told us to come in. Low and behold when J took his shirt off it had spread underneath his arm to his back. They did a scraping to confirm but she was certain its Shingles. Shingles is a from the chicken pox virus. What it does is the virus still lives in our nerves, when you are immunosuppressed the virus can rear its ugly head causing blisters that spread along the nerve that was infected. Its more painful than chicken pox because it involves the nerves. Yeah....It could be worse. He wasnt have any pain yesterday, today he is. We are sending Ronan to Mimi and Pops for a few days because there is still a small chance that Ronan could catch chicken pox from him even though he has had the vaccine and Ronan just doesnt understand why he cant climb on Daddy like usual. Like I said earlier J is in some pain and he says that he is very stiff. He is suppose to rest and keep calm. Apparently stress can make it worse and our lives arent stressful at all! :) Hopefully we will get in to see Dr. Nieto tomorrow (transplant dr.). Prayer requests, for a speedy resolution for this for J and patience for me!Prayers Welcomed!Kimmy

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Everyday is filled with wonder, but today is special!!

I am shedding tears as I type this, not for sadness, but because if you had asked me a year ago if we would have made it to today I would have said probably not. Today marks one year that Jason has been cancer free. It's his REBIRTH Day. August 17th, 2010 was the day that J was given his stem cells after the first round of High Dose Chemo. It signified that he was leaving his old life behind and embarking on a cancer free one. The past year has been filled with despair, heartache, joy, worry, pretty much every emotion there is. Jason and I have grown apart and come back together stronger than we ever would have been had we not faced this. As a family we were put through trials that we pray no one will have to endure. We are thankful that Ronan was relatively young and will not remember all that his Daddy had to go through. It was not an easy road and the one ahead is still incredibly bumpy and uncertain but whatever is ahead we will face as a family. Thank you all for your support to Jason, Ronan, and myself. I dont think I can adequately explain how grateful we are that all of you were and continue to be there for us. We have scans coming up in the beginning of September and we are sure they are clear. We get to look forward to a future as a family. Thank you Dr. Tannir, Dr. Nieto, and all of the staff at MD Anderson. I know that none of us are promised a tomorrow, but thank you for giving Jason to Ronan and myself for the past year. We pray that this is only a start. Happy REBIRTH Day to one of the strongest guys I know, a warrior, and my best friend. You are amazing J. Love you, Kimmy