So to begin with there is nothing going on the cancer front. This is fantastic. Sometimes its hard to believe where we were two or three years ago. Jason is doing great. He is continuing to rebuild strength, muscles, and endurance. Every cold or allergy bout still seems to turn into bronchitis but thank goodness not pneumonia. I think we will always be dealing with this. Thats fine by me. He goes back in for scans on spring break and we are pretty confident there is nothing to worry about. I however will still have my freak out time about a week before hand. Nothing I cant handle.
On to some other news, I started back to school this January. Wahoo! It feels good to be able to focus attention on something other than cancer. However, I go to school in San Marcos not Houston where we live. Bigger News is that Jason is enrolled to start college up again on March 19th. This to me is amazing and I am so proud of my husband. Again he is going to school in Austin, not in Houston. So we have come to the decison to put our house up for sale and move to the Austin area. When we moved to Houston in 2005 it was for Jason to continue his schooling, well work got in the way, then cancer, then Ronan and well school never got to be a priority here. Having a house here has been a blessing while Jason was undergoing active treatment and while appointments were so close together. Now that we are trying to get back to a more normal life we feel its time to move on to things that will only help our family. School is a huge part of this as you all know, there is also the church that I grew up in up there that Jason feels comfortable in. For those that really know J, this is huge!
Please pray for us, not in the same way that you all have been, please pray that we are taking the right path to becoming a stronger family not only in mind and body but in spirit as well. It seems that things are moving offly quickly and for us uncertainty takes a toll all of its own. Ill update you all more as we know more.Prayers welcomed! Kimmy