So, Jason started having some minor pain while breathing on Thursday and we thought he might have slept wrong and pulled a muscle. Well he woke up Friday morning and we were to be admitted into the hospital for chemo. The pain started to become more severe and we called his clinic and they told us if it was really bad for us to go to the ER or we could just wait for him to get a room. Well from what you can remember from our other trip Jason decided to wait it out.
We got a room around 4:30 pm, Jason started to have a lot of trouble breathing and alot of pain, I called the nurses and he was put on oxygen and they called the doc on call. They were going to treat it as pleuralsy and start him on a diuretic and an NSAID. He was sent for an xray to verify diagnosis and rule out pneumoni(his lungs sounded clear). They then started the chemo, he got premeds and the bleomycin. They had started the etoposide but stopped and said that the Dr. looked at the Xray and he has a Pleural effusion which is basically fluid collecting in the sac around his right lung. They are to halt the chemo, get an urine analysis and blood cultures, start him on an antibiotic and the Dr. will see him in the morning to discuss further treatment.
So now the pure boy is resting in an upright position because he cant breathe when he lays down. I had to wheel him up to his room and he can barely get up to go to the bathroom. We knew rough days were ahead but this came out of nowhere it seems. Well I will make sure he gets some pain medicine so that he can sleep and I will update tomorrow or today rather when we know more.
Get well soon Jason. We are praying for you.
Krys and the boys