So the last time I posted we were waiting in the hospital waiting on his chemo. They actually got started before midnight, it was amazing. We did go visit some friends that were in there and on the same floor as us. That was neat and certainly broke up alittle of the monotony. It was pretty uneventful. They did do a pulmonary function test on Jason, they had to redo it a couple times because his numbers were low but he got them up where they needed to be. They did this because of the blood clots and because of the bleomycin. He came back and was very tired from this. He did have some nausea two days (no vomiting) but it was nothing some IV meds didnt stop. We figured that he has been incredibly lucky so far and we would take that little bit instride. We were released with no meds other than the Neupogen to add on so that was a relief. It was one less to keep track of. He had his next to last outpatient Bleomycin today. It was breeze as usual. His magnesium is still alittle low even with the supplements so Zita(Dr. Tannir's Physician Assistant) wants him to eat avocados and nuts as snacks for right now, as these are naturally rich in magnesium. His iron is still low but nothing to warrant worry and best of all his white counts are doing fine. We got the dates for his restaging it will be Dec7th. We will see Dr. Tannir for the results on the 8th. Thank goodness we do not have to wait a week or so. Well I will write more when there is more to write. Love to all and keep those prayers coming.
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