So we went to see Dr. Tannir on Thursday. We got good news and bad news. We will do the bad news first. They have determined that at this point in time, Jason is not healthy enough to undergo the high dose chemo and stem cell transplant. The fractures in Jason's sacrum are pretty severe, he is now in a wheelchair when he is not in the house. With the transplant and everything that it entails he needs to be mobile. Any problem that he has going into the transplant is going to be exacerbated by it. So the plan is to go see the Neurologist on Wednesday the 30th to determine what steps need to be taken to stabilize Jason's sacrum. Next week he will probably go inpatient to start on Salvage Chemo therapy in attempt to help Jason's symptoms and maybe we will get lucky and it will get rid of all the cancer at the same time. The transplant is not off the table, its just on the shelf till we get Jason is better physical shape. That was a blow, but its just a detour to us.
The good news is the one day of chemo that Jason had back in May has gotten rid of all the tumors in his chest and lungs. Wahoo!!!
The benefit is planned and I will post the link to the website as soon as it is up and running. Tell everyone you think who might be interested.
Keep the prayers going and pray for my Aunt Dani too. Her kidney disease is no longer in remission and her body cannot take anymore chemo. So keep all of us in your prayers right now.
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