Monday, July 12, 2010

We are traveling.......

So we got settled into the hospital Saturday night and they started a steroid and some IV fluid. Day one started out with Taxol (for those who care) at a continuous drip for 24 hours. He got about a thirty minute break this morning and they started him on premeds and Mesna. The Mesna is acutally a medicine used to limit the side effects of one of the chemos. They then started the Infosfamide and then Cisplatin. He is currently on the 14 hour 2 liters of post rehydration to flush his kidneys. Many of you will remember that he had this done back in 2009. So 3 more days like today and then off to the nearly daily blood draws to see when he will be ready to collect the stem cells. Thats were we are for right now. I went ahead and left him at the hospital to go home and take a little me time. His mom will be with him when she gets off work until I get back. It is nice being home even if its only for alittle while. Just a reminder about the benefit on the 29th. Tickets need to be purchased in advance by contacting Oh and if you are on facebook look up Jason's Journey and become a fan, then send it to your friends to become fans. Lets show Jason just how many people are there rooting for him. Well I better be going. Just a quick update, keep those prayers coming!!!

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