Monday, August 9, 2010

Sorry to be so remiss in writing but you guys know how it goes. Let see last Wednesday we went and Jason had a dose of Avastin (pretty cool drug that prevents the formation of new blood vessels to inhibit tumor growth). That went easy. We go see Dr.Nieto(his stem cell doctor) tomorrow for his pre admit blood test. We will be admitted on Wednesday and on Thursday they will start Gem/Taxel, Melphalan and Carboplatin. Oh the fun.... He is in great spirits even if his body isnt and is ready to get this show on the road. Because my Nana taught me not to pray for peanuts if what I want is peanut butter I ask you guys to pray specifically right now for Jason's water rentention to be eliminated and the pain in his back to lessen to make the chemo easier for him to tolerate. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has been emailing little cards and well wishes. You have no idea how much that means to Jason, myself, and one day Ronan. Its like a mini ray of sunshine each time we go to the mail box. I will email you the address you can send letters to Jason at once we get a room at the hospital if you email and let me know that you want it! Thank you, everyone for you support! Prayers Welcomed. Kimmy

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