Thursday, September 8, 2011

On FIre!!!

To the most important news....the results of Jason's one year scans are an ALL CLEAR!! Yes ladies and gentlemen a year post transplant and we are still in the green. His tumor markers are normal, everything looks the same on the scans as it did last time, and there has even been some slight improvement in his pulmonary emboli. WE talked with the Dr. about options to stop taking the blood thinners and the Dr. and I are on the same page. He could switch to a pill but that would require almost weekly blood test and watching his diet closely. We could stop altogether and then he could form a clot and die. or we can slightly reduce the amount so that he only has to have one shot a day instead of two. The Dr. and I voted option 3, J eventually agreed. I figure we did not go through all this for him to die of a blood clot. What else, he started his revaccinations today. All of his childhood vaccines were wiped out with the transplant so he got to start retaking them today. Wahoo that was 6 shots, 3 in each arm. (this does not include his lovenox tonight oops) To top off the shots he is taking 3000mg of Valtrex a day for the shingles and when done with this 14 day dose he will take 1000mg a day for at least 6months oh and he has some sort of bronchitis. They started him on an antibiotic did a throat culture and nasal wash so hopefully we will know a bit more. His red blood cell count is steadily rising so this awesome. Dr. Tannir was going to let him go 4 months with out a scan but J has to have the second series of vaccines before then so we will go back earlier probably 3 months. The 4 months would have been the longest we had been between scans ever!!! All in all minus the illness we are ecstatic!!! Thanks for the prayers!!! Prayers Welcomed!! Kimmy

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I've been looking around today to see great news. Congrats!

    Tracy (aka CancerSux)
