Monday, October 4, 2010

Target discharge date 10/8/2010

So like the title said target discharge date is this Friday!!! I dont know how long he will be out before he will be back in but like Scarlett said Ill think about that tomorrow. He will be coming home in a wheelchair while he has made a ton of progress quickly he is not quite up to snuff out of the wheelchair. What this means is that the tiny door to our bathroom has to be made bigger along with a wall the next 2 days! I went and stayed last night with him and when to physical therapy this morning. He walked 25 feet!!! in two increments. However it takes 2 people not including himself to him up and three people not including himself with the walking henece the reason he is coming with the wheelchair. He will still have physical therapy to work on the walking and getting up and such. Thats about all for now!!! I will update more later Im kinda in a hurry! Prayers Welcomed! Kimmy

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