Sunday, May 2, 2010

A little more information....

Ok, I have a little more to go on now. We now know that this is not a recurrence of Jason's germ cell cancer, his tumor markers are at 0 and previously the sites where there were cancer there is nothing, he is completely clear except for the pelvis and sacrum. Now what is in the hip is not clear, there is no delinated tumors but they could possibly be permeating lesions. So that leads us to what it can be. Jason could either have an infection of some sort, he could have teratoma with transformation into lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia.etc... or he could of had two different cancers all along. We will have the preliminary readings of the core biopsy tomorrow and a game plan to go along with that.

We are waiting to speak to pain management again. They have Jason on Norco every 4 hours (basically vicodin with tylenol) and 2-4mg of Diluadid(hydromorphone) every hour as needed. They uped his Fentanyl patch to 75mcg every 3 days. (this gives a continuous opioid into his sytem the entire time the patch is on). Lyrica (controls nerve pain) 200mg every 8 hours, Decadron once a day (steroid, anti inflammatory), Celebrex (anti-inflammatory) All of this and he is still in pain. We are discusing an implanted device that would deliver anesthesia to that area allowing him to cut back on pain meds.

Well I will post when I know more. Keep those prayers going up!

1 comment:

  1. time to get into ass whoopin' mode again Kim and Jason. As I told Jason on the phone yesterday.. PLEASE call if there's anything you need. Nothing is too trivial and we'd jump at the chance to help.

    Chris & Megan
