Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maybe...Maybe not

Alright guys, alittle update on Roo Roo. My mom called the me at the hospital this morning and said that Ronan was up and down all last night and was having something akin to night terrors. I asked if maybe he was upset about not seeing us and asked her to bring him up. Well she called back and said that she was taking him to the doctor because he has some blisters pop up on his mouth. I said ok, told Jason, and he kicked me out of the room to go see how Ronan was doing. I met them at the doctor took one look at Ronan and said "He has hand foot and mouth disease...again." For those that dont know he had this in December of last year, once you have it you are immune to that strain so my little guys has picked up a different strain. Awesome...but at least we know what is making him so miserable and how to treat it. The bad new is that Roo still has a low grade temp and he cant be around Jason until the fever and no new blisters are popping up.Grr..
More drama, apparently it takes an act of God to get records released from Methodist hospital. Completely ridiculous, I did however get them and handed them over to the Rad doc this morning. Jason has not had any previous radiation to his pelvis so he can get a stronger dose and we do not have to have the worries about reradiating any areas and all the side effects and potential problems that brings. His symptoms seem to be improving little by little with only the two treatments that he has had so cross your fingers and pray this goes well and works. They were making noise about releasing us tomorrow so hopefully that comes to fruition. Although he will have radiation everyday but once he is outpatient we will be able to do this in Sugarland. (for those who dont know its like 10 minutes away). We do have to go back maybe Friday to get stitches and staples removed from the surgery and back next week for an MRI to see how the radiation is doing. Thats all for now!! If God leads you to it.. He will lead you through it. Keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. We are praying. Sorry to hear the little man has HF&M. It is the worst on kids. Arthur had it when he was 2 and it was hell. Ugh. Hope he gets well soon. We are thinking about Jason and praying hard. xo

    Krys, Josh, and the two little guys
